Untreated fruit juices sold on street corners often exhibits flavor deterioration during storage. In this study, the sensory, microbiological, biochemical changes in orange and pineapple juices stored under two different temperature conditions (4°C and ambient temperature) were investigated.The results showed that appearance, odor and taste of the orange and pineapple juices were spoiled after 48 h of storage at ambient temperature (28 to 30°C). At 4°C, orange and pineapple juices were not judged as spoiled after the 72 h of storage.The initial microbial counts of the orange juice sample were 4.44 log (CFU/mL), 4.60 log (CFU/mL), 4.98 log (CFU/mL) and 4.15 log (CFU/mL) for AM, LAB, Yeast and AAB respectively. As for hygienic flora the loads were 3.89 log (CFU/ml) for Enterobacteria and 3.86 log (CFU/mL) for Staphylococcus. The counts observed in fresh pineapple juice sample were 6.58 log (CFU/mL), 6.13 log (CFU/mL), 5.27 log (CFU/mL), 5.38 log (CFU/mL), 6.02 log (CFU/mL) and 4.76 log (CFU/mL) for AM, LAB, Yeast, AAB, Enterobacteria and Staphylococcus respectively. During storage at ambient temperature, the microbial counts of AM, Yeast and LAB increased after 24 h for pineapple juice and after 24 or 48 for orange juice. With regard to volatile compounds in orange juice, increases in concentration of acetic acid, 2,3-butanediol, octanol, phenylethyl alcohol, ethyl decanoate, ethyl dodecanoate were observed in deteriorated juices. Thus, these compounds can be used as markers of spoiled orange and pineapple juices.
Keywords :Pineapple juice, orange juice, spoilage, Volatile organic compounds, sensory analysis
Doi : 10.2016-53692176; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2024-67694178/ASIO-JMFSBI/10.2016-53692176/2024/V7/I1/528
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