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JOURNALS || ASIO Journal of Microbiology, Food Science & Biotechnological Innovations (ASIO-JMFSBI) [ISSN: 2455-3751]

Author Names : Sylvester Chibueze Izah
Page No. : 34-43
Read Hit : 1762
Pdf Downloads Hit : 22  volume 1 issue 1
Article Overview


Sylvester Chibueze Izah, Langley Ayibawanaimi Orutugu and Lovet T. Kigigha. A Review of The Quality Assessment of Zobo Drink Consumed in Nigeria, ASIO Journal of Microbiology, Food Science & Biotechnological Innovations (ASIO-JMFSBI), 2015, 1(1): 34-43.


dids/doi No.: 01.2016-97391785

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Food is essential resource needed for the maintenance and functioning of the various systems of the body. Foods are classified based on the readiness to consumption including fully, minimally processed and ready-to-eat food. Zobo is one of the ready-to-eat nutritional drinks consumed by several families in Nigeria irrespective of the socioeconomic status especially in the Northern region. This paper is a review of the quality of zobo drink consumed in Nigeria in relation to probable implications for consumer well being, safety and permissible limits. The study found that the zobo drink has several health benefits resulting from its proximate, mineral, phytochemical and vitamins compositions; its microbiological quality is however questionable. Though microbial density seldom exceeds tolerant limits for ready-to eat food. The presence of Coliforms depicts poor quality. The occurrence of some microbial isolates indicates a potential health concern to consumers of the products. Most of the isolates are spoilage microorganisms in dairy products but several of them invaded the product through poor handling and processing routes employed. Hence with improved handling, hygiene of processors and marketers and use of sterile water, spices, flavor the microbial diversity could be reduced.

Keywords: Contaminants, Health effects, Quality assessment, Spoilage microorganism, Zobo drink.

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